Social Housing Purchasing Patterns - 2022

The total rental income for Social Housing providers across England was £19,711,862,953.00 for the year 2022, according to figures produced by the UK Regulator for Housing, across a total property portfolio of 4,170,516 properties. These properties include General Needs and Independent Living properties. Emergency and Shared Ownership properties were not included in this short analysis of social housing spending.
Of the income received by Local Authority Registered Providers (LARP) and Private Registered Providers (PRP, more commonly referred to as Housing Associations or HA’s) within England, 39.1% was spent on direct spend categories (spending directly associated with the maintenance of properties) and 60.9% was spent on indirect spend categories (spending that supports the provision of properties).
The figures below for direct and indirect purchasing detail the annual and property level of spending within the social housing sector across England for 2022 by major spend category. All figures include VAT, as VAT cannot be reclaimed by housing providers registered with the Regulator of Social Housing as charities within the UK under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014.
Social Housing Rent and Total Income by Accommodation Type - England

Rent Category

LARP Weekly Net Rent

No of LARP Properties

PRP Weekly Net Rent

No of PRP Properties

Total Rental Income - 2022

General Needs (Social Rent)






General Needs (Affordable Rent)






Independent Living (Social Rent)






Independent Living (Affordable Rent)






Total Rental Income - 2022


Direct Social Housing Spend - England

Major Spend Category - Direct

Annual Direct Spend

Annual Average Spend Per Property

Property Services






Housing Services



Estates Management



Independent Living



Total Direct Spend



Indirect Social Housing Spend - England

Major Spend Category - Indirect

Annual Indirect Spend

Annual Average Spend Per Property




























Total Indirect Spend



Social Housing Top 20 Direct Spend Categories - England

Top 20 Direct Spend Category

Annual Direct Spend

Annual Average Spend Per Property

Roofing & Wet Goods Maintenance Services



Supply, Install and Servicing of Heating & Hot Water Systems



Voids Works



Building Materials



Supply & Install of Kitchens & Bathrooms



Supply & Install of Doors & Windows (Capital Works)



Fire Stopping Works and Services



Reactive Property Maintenance Services



Fire Alarm Fire Safety Equipment & Emergency Lighting



Electrical Periodic Testing & Remedial Works



Hire of Skips and Associated Waste Disposal Services



Cyclical External Repair & Decoration Services



Alarm Call System Installation, Maintenance & Servicing



Property Ventilation Installation and Maintenance Services



Out of Hours Reactive Property Maintenance Services



Grounds Maintenance



Door Access Control Systems



Supply, Install and Maintenance of Lifts



Asbestos Removal Services



Wastewater & Sewerage Drain Maintenance Services



NB: The annual average spend per property has been calculated by dividing the annual total spend for that category by the total number of social housing properties used for this short analysis. These figures may be lower than the actual amount spent by housing providers due to the vagaries of this type of brief spend analysis. This analysis also excludes property development spending which is normally funded by external borrowings.

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